Thursday, 2 December 2021

Michelangelo (Thursday Research W7, T4)


Response to text: Michelangelo


Highlight the correct answers, or type in what you think is correct.

1. Introducing Michelangelo - what year was he born?

  1. 1475                               b) 1564

      c)  1745                 d) 2021 

2. Michelangelo was not only involved with art but with … ? 

a) coding                        b) architecture

c) engineering                     d) business

3. What famous art creations is Michelangelo known for ?

a)Mona Lisa     b)Madonna

c) David     d)Sistine Chapel Ceiling 

4. “… His most famous paintings are huge frescos..” 

What does the word fresco mean?

→A painting done in Watercolor

5. True or False:  Before Michelangelo passed away, he was still supervising the construction of St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.  

a) True b) False

6. Working for the Medici family (most powerful family in Florence), Michelangelo benefited by?

  1. Learning new things about his craft

  2. More recognition for his accomplishments and commission

  3. He was getting free lunches.

  4. His family were too poor to look after him

7. With the artwork from Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael, what does Renaissance art include?

  1. Avengers

b) nature, admiration of human beauty 

c) architecture

d) Painting, sculptures 

Four Facts: Michelangelo