Friday 7 August 2020

The Storm

Number of the week

The Great Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramids of Giza was build 5000 years ago.In  It was close to Cairo and made of giant bricks of mud.A longtime ago the wrokers died and buried the body's in the ground with the treasure. Now the pyramids is a famous tourist attraction.When the Pyramids was build the pepole can climb on it now you can't climb because one of the Pyramids broke down so you have to stand back.and made 5000 years ago and took 20 years to build.

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Extended form of 2 digit numbers

Captain Underpants

George and Harold burst into laughter."This is me in kindergarten".Says George And this is me.Exclaims Harold.George and I aren’t friends yet, but we’re about to be
the teacher begins writing on the board and says.The seventh planet from the sun is called….. Uranus A class of children are sitting on the mat.the teacher quickly turns to glare at the boys Turning back to the board she says scientists.........George looks over to Harold.Ur…...Anus
aughs Harold quietly I know.. Laugh the boys hysterically.
The teacher turns and coughs Hrmm Hrmmm continues speaking as she writes on the board.She known as a gas giant…."hahahahahahahaha" Continues George laughing at Harold.
