Thursday, 13 May 2021

Punctuation worksheet

 What is a full stop and when does it get used?

At the end of a Sentence.

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a full stop.

  • (Sentence 1) Hi my name is Samuel and I like to play outside with my friends.

  • (Sentence 2) After a while we went to the shop and bought food for me and friends.

  • (Sentence 3)After that we got to my  House and it was Night time so they went home and we went to sleep.

What is a question mark and when does it get used?

When you use a question mark you use it when you ask a question or another person says a question.

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a question mark.

  • (Sentence 1) Did you take my Drink?

  • (Sentence 2)What time is it?

  • (Sentence 3)Where are you going?

What is a speech mark and when does it get used?

When someone is talking.

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a speech mark.

  • (Sentence 1)”Hey whats up”

  • (Sentence 2)”what are you doing”

  • (Sentence 3)”Nothing”

What is a comma and when does it get used?

When you like, you need a break.

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of a comma.

  • (Sentence 1)At my House we had a Birthday and there was lots of food like Cupcakes,Chips,Drinks and the Cake.

  • (Sentence 2)Then after our Dad brought more food like Donuts and more drinks.

  • (Sentence 3)Then a little while my cousin came with some more food like Pizza, and more Drinks

What is an exclamation point and when does it get used?

When someone shouts.

Write 3 sentences showing me the correct use of an exclamation point.

  • (Sentence 1)Get out of the Garden!

  • (Sentence 2)Get off the Tree!

  • (Sentence 3)Come!

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Response to Text: Earth's Spheres



a. Water b. Land

c. Life d. Air

4) What are some examples of water resources on Earth?

→To stay cool and hydrated

5) What does ‘Atmos’ mean?

a. Water b. Land

c. Life d. Air

6) What different gases can be found in Earth’s atmosphere?

→breath alive

7) What does ‘Bio’ mean?

a. Water b. Land

c. Life d. Air

8) How does the biosphere connect with the other Earth Systems?


9) True or False: The Earth is the only planet that is suitable for sustaining life.

a. True b. False

4 Facts - Earth's Spheres